Get Involved

How To Get Invovled
Here are some different ways you can be involved in our community garden project!
- Donate:
Material – Soil, mulch, plants, etc. is always welcomed. Whether it is some extra mulch laying around, or some excess produce plants that can go in an overflow bed, we are happy to take them!
Tools – Have an extra rake or pruners laying around? Let us help put them to good use!
Funds – The garden is still growing and is funded solely from donations and sponsorship fees. Any money given is appreciated and will go strictly to the growth and operation of the garden unless otherwise specified.
- Share
- On social media
- By word of mouth
- Get a Plot and join us, or sponsor a plot on behalf of a family that can’t afford it
Our Mission
- To provide garden beds for individuals, families, or groups that are unable to garden in their area due to restrictions, finances and community rules.
- To serve our community by allowing donations of unused produce.
- To offer classes on topics such as canning, preserving, cooking, seeding, herbs and their medicinal properties, and more.
- To provide opportunities for positive social interaction and foster lasting relationships.
- To nurture curiosity and provide hands-on learning opportunities for children by providing gardening space for use by youth programs and schools.
- To create a beautiful garden environment for enjoyment not just of the community but for the plants, birds, and other wild life.
- To enjoy growing together.
With such a big project, there is plenty of work to go around. Be a part of the work by helping build, imagine, design and create the community garden! All help is appreciated.
To volunteer, just shoot us a quick email explaining what you would like to do!

A huge part of the garden is finding people in our community to be a part of it. Take the time to share about our project on social media or word of mouth and help us reach our community.

Donations are a big part of our project and there are many ways to donate. You can join our email group to see what materials or tools we still need or visit the donate tab to add to our general funds. All donations are appreciated.