Rules and Regulations


  1. Respect your fellow gardeners. Safety First. Be Polite to each other. Abusive behavior toward others, stealing produce, vandalism, etc. will result in expulsion from the Garden and loss of gardening privileges.
  2. When leaving the garden, be sure to turn off any water supply used and close the gate behind you.
  3. Provided irrigation is shut down for the winter and turned back on in the spring. Usually November shut-off, April turn-on.
  4. Due to safety reasons, nighttime gardening is not permitted.
  5. Children and pets are always welcome inside the community garden with supervision.
  6. There is currently a limit of two (2) plots per household allowed. This is subject to change based on the availability of plots.
  7. Each garden plot should have a stake with their plot number or last name on it. Stakes and signs will be provided by the Garden Leader. Gardeners are welcome to decorate the signs at their assigned plots.
  8. Harvesting produce in plots not assigned to the Gardener is strictly prohibited unless explicit permission is given from the plot owner. Any gardener harvesting produce from others’ plots will forfeit gardening privileges.
  9. Denver Wesleyan Church cannot guarantee protection against vandalism or theft. Any vandalism should be reported to the Garden Leader.
  10. Gardeners must park in designated parking areas.
  11. Gardeners assume responsibility for any person or persons assisting them with any gardening chores.
  12. Playing loud or inappropriate music while gardening is discouraged.
  13. Please make every effort to follow all rules and regulations. 



  1. To protect the City of Denver’s water supply and the health of fellow Gardeners the use of any non-organic chemicals including fertilizers, weed killers (herbicides), pesticides, and fungicides is highly discouraged.
  2. Gardeners are encouraged to help remove invasive plants species from the Garden area. A list of invasive plants can be found online here:
  3. Dumping or “storing” of any non-Garden related material in or outside the Garden plot is prohibited.
  4. Although the garden is primarily intended for annual fruits and vegetables, perennials may also be planted at your own risk, realizing that individual plots are not owned, but are lent to each Gardener for a finite period of time.
  5. Planting illegal or poisonous plants is prohibited.
  6. Planting invasive garden plants such as mint are prohibited.
  7. Please be respectful towards other gardeners and avoid planting sprawling or tall crops that might interfere with or otherwise block sunlight to other plots.



  1. Gardeners should tend their plantings throughout the season by trimming, thinning, and harvesting as needed to keep the garden productive.
  2. If a plot must be abandoned for any reason, it will be the Gardener’s responsibility to notify the Garden Leader.
  3. If plot becomes neglected, the Gardener will be given 2 weeks’ notice to clean it up. At that time, it will be reassigned or tilled in.
  4. Mulching with hay, grass clipping, or leaves is recommended to reduce water evaporation.
  5. Newspaper or cardboard beneath applied mulch is the recommended method for additional weed suppression.
  6. Place all weeds, plant residue, and organic waste in designated compost areas only.
  7. Plastic mulches are prohibited due to problems associated with clearing plots in the fall.
  8. Gardeners are required to clear weeds or trees growing within their plot, and keep the aisles and paths surrounding their plot free and clean of weeds, trash and other materials to ensure that the common paths are passable by others.
  9. Gardeners are responsible for keeping their plot clean and free from any trash. Please take trash/litter and discard in the church waste containers.
  10. Gardeners must ensure that the garden area is neatly maintained out of respect for neighbors. Small tools and other garden related items may be stored within the plot, if they are arranged neatly.
  11. At the end of the season, Gardeners must clear their plots of dead plants, decorations and all furnishings. Gardeners must remove any weed control fabrics that are used.
  12. Plant material generated from active gardening should only be disposed at the designated compost sites of the Garden composting area.
  13. Municipal water will be provided and subject to any water restrictions or bans as required by Lincoln County Public Utilities.
  14. Water in uncovered containers or any standing water, including bird baths, is not permitted for health reasons.



  1. Approved Gardeners are individuals who have been assigned a plot by the Garden Leader and have completed a plot application, paid their sponsorship fee in full, and abide by the Community Garden Rules and Regulations. Gardeners must ensure that their contact information is current. Contact information must include name, address, phone number and email address if available.
  2. Garden registration will be sent out by email.
  3. Plot applications are reviewed each January and notifications are sent out by the end of the month. A non-refundable fee is assessed to cover water and maintenance expenses. The annual fee is due 2 weeks after notification, and any plot with an unpaid fee will become available.
  4. If a plot becomes available, existing Gardeners in good standing will have the option to switch plots prior to plots being assigned to the general waiting list. If more than one existing gardener would like the plot, plot will be assigned by lottery.
  5. At the start of the season, if there is no clear evidence of active gardening by June 1st, the Gardener will be contacted and given two weeks to respond. If no response is received, the plot will be considered abandoned. A Gardener will be notified by Email of non-compliance with the Garden Rules and Regulations and will be given a one-week notice to respond to the situation. The Gardener is responsible to contact the Garden Leader to discuss any violations. If no improvement occurs, then the Garden Leader may revoke gardening privileges.
  6. If a plot is revoked, the Gardener will have one week to remove any personal items from the plot, after which the items will be removed/discarded.
  7. In case of a hardship that may temporarily prevent a Gardener from addressing non-compliance issues, such as an extended vacation, illness or other unplanned emergency, the Gardener should notify the Garden Leader and consideration will be given. The maximum accommodation period is one growing season.