Lake Norman Food Mission:

Nourishing Those in Need


At Denver Wesleyan Church (DWC), we are committed to supporting various ministries that address the needs of our community. These ministries play a vital role in providing assistance and hope to those facing challenging circumstances. Let me share some insights into one of our most impactful ministries: the Lake Norman Food Mission.


  • The Lake Norman Food Mission is one of our largest and most significant ministries. Its primary focus is to provide food to individuals and families who are struggling.
  • Some have experienced illness, resulting in job loss and financial strain. For these individuals, having access to nutritious food is essential. We stand by them during these difficult times.
  • Retirement can also bring unforeseen challenges. When retirees find their needs surpassing their income, we ensure they receive the sustenance necessary to make ends meet.
  • Even those receiving disability benefits or food stamps may require additional support. We extend our assistance to bridge any gaps.
  • Our approach is holistic. Beyond addressing physical hunger, we minister to the emotional and spiritual well-being of those we serve. We offer hope, compassion, and a listening ear.
  • Many individuals are emotionally burdened due to their circumstances. Our ministry provides a safe space for them to share their struggles and find encouragement.

Together, we can make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve.

How We Operate


  • To sustain our efforts, we purchase a significant portion of the food we distribute. Our goal is to make every dollar count, ensuring maximum impact.
  • Currently, we give away an average of 40,000 pounds of food each month, benefiting over three hundred families, including many with children.
  • A large part of the program’s costs are covered through donations from generous supporters who believe in our cause. Every contribution matters.
  • Importantly, no one receives a salary within this ministry. Our dedicated team of volunteers selflessly serves their neighbors and, ultimately, serves God.
  • Our monthly expenses for food distribution range from $450 to $500. While this allows us to provide substantial assistance, we believe we can do more.

How You Can Make a Difference

  • Consider partnering with us. Your ongoing support will enable us to expand our reach and help more families.
  • Even a one-time gift can go a long way. Every dollar contributes directly to feeding those in need.
  • Additionally, if you’d like to contribute equipment—such as freezers, refrigerators, or cleaning supplies—we welcome your assistance.

If you’re interested in joining hands with us or have any questions, feel free to reach out by clicking the  Get Involved button below, and selecting Food Ministry on the contact form. 

Thank you for your compassion and commitment to our community.

Become a Volunteer or Donate Today!

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